Social Breastfeeding – Reason No.2

Imagine the scenario: you’re out shopping, you feel hungry, it will take you at least an hour to get home, what do you do? Most people will seek out a suitable place and have something to eat, so why should it be any different for a new mum and her baby?

Reason number two is because my baby is hungry. New mums are encouraged to get out but need to be allowed to feed their baby comfortably in public when their baby is hungry. Society has to realise that a mum is simply satisfying her baby’s need for food when she breastfeeds and nothing more. If she is unable to do this when out and about there are real dangers that new mums become almost housebound, without entering into a debate on post-natal depression, this is not a healthy situation for anyone especially someone who is dealing with major changes to her life. We are encouraging new mums to get out with their babies, we now have to ensure they are comfortable feeding their babies, when they are hungry, when they are out and in public.

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